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Thermal Expertise

Heat flux and temperature sensors in extreme environments

fluxmètre type IHF
Fluxmètre couche mince
Fluxmètre type refroidi
Fluxmètre sur corps noir
Fluxmètre type refroidi
Fluxmètre type inertie
Fluxmètre type refroidi sur bain thermostaté
Fluxmètres miniatures
Nextherm Sensing logiciel Nextest
Fluxmètres sur mesure
Fluxmètre type refroidi
Nextherm Sensing Valise de terrain

The most complete range of sensors on the market

NexTherm Sensing offers the widest range of heat flux sensors on the market, with the capacity to meet all needs, even the most exotic.

Whether for modest fluxes (KiloWatt/m²) or intense fluxes (MegaWatt/m²), infinitesimal or continuous durations, NexTherm Sensing responds with an offer of heat flux probes covering the entire spectrum studied in thermal science.

Aware that your applications often require a specific layout, NexThem Sensing designs custom-made sensors (mechanical and electrical interfaces, additional protections) in addition to its standard offer.

Intense fluxes

Thanks to the IHF probes, based on inertial technology, measuring intense fluxes up to 1 MegaWatt/m² for several minutes, and up to 20 MegaWatt/m² for several seconds becomes easy task. IHF sensors combine precision, simplicity of use and robustness in the harshest environments

Dynamic phenomena

Zoom in on very small time scales using sensors from the DHF range: fast dynamics giving access to thermal events between 1 microsecond and 1 millisecond

Continuous measurement

For continuous process control, or over periods that are too long for the IHF range, opt for cooled sensors from the CHF range. Nothing stops them

All types of fluxes

Whether you are studying transfers by convection, radiation or total heat flux, our sensors are available in these three configurations thanks to a specific surface treatment. A thorough study of thermal radiation is made possible by the introduction of filter windows, to scrutinize the spectral band of interest

Application areas

Our sensors equip many professionals in various sectors, ranging from Aerospace/Defense to industrial processes.

Nextherm Sensing areas of activity

The rigor in the measurement

Heat transfer is of prime importance in many energy fields. Whether increasing the efficiency of a two-phase heat exchanger, characterizing a hydrogen flame, or even estimating the thermal stress of a wall, it is crucial to have a flawless technology and of an optimal calibration.

NexTherm Sensing implements rigorous manufacturing and calibration protocols. The latter is carried out on state-of-the-art machines: high temperature black body and CO2 laser bench. But what is exactly a heat flux?

Official Distributor:

Équipements Scientifiques - ES FRANCE

NexTherm Sensing is associated with ES France, leader in the sale of scientific equipment, electronics and acquisition systems, for the distribution of its products in the French-speaking zone.

Our partners

Nextherm Sensing spin-off ONERA
Nextherm Sensing winner Poc in Labs
Nextherm Sensing winner of Starburst

They trust us:


Ready to give a new dimension to your thermal analyses?

Contact us now to discuss your needs, and start a new experience of heat transfers

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Headquartes & Delivery:

6, Impasse Louis Bentajou

Chemin de Carbonne

31410 Longages


Workshop & Laboratory:

Pépinière d'Entreprises

Route de Mondavezan

31220 Martres-Tolosane


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Update 2025

© NexTherm Sensing

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